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Managing scheduling service areas

The service areas module within scheduling allows you to manage the availability of service areas where your services are provided. You can also assign specific services to these areas, and control their availability for online and in-person bookings.

Scheduling service areas can be managed by clicking view all in the service areas module from the Booking manager. Then, click Add service area or the edit button for an existing service area.

Adjusting service area information

Service area profiles in scheduling will display the Name provided in Settings > Service Areas. To update service area profiles in scheduling, adjust their information from your settings.

The Bookable toggle adjusts if the service area is available for bookings, both online and in person.

Reviewing assigned services

You can view and manage the services assigned to service area profiles. Click on the service name to open its settings, or click the X to unassign the service from the area.

Managing service area availability

Service areas can have custom hours of availability, or you can match them to your business hours.

Select Same as business hours from the dropdown list if you want a service area’s availability to match the default hours and one-time changes set for your business hours.

Setting custom hours

You can set specific availabilities for service areas by setting custom hours. This ensures that the service area is not included in scheduling reservations when it is unavailable.

  1. Select Custom hours from the dropdown list.
  2. Use the toggles to include or exclude each day of the week from being available.
  3. Set start and end times using the dropdown list, per available day.  
  4. Click Add time slot to set multiple start and end times per day, if necessary.
    • Added time slots can be removed using the trash button.
  5. Click Save.

Using one-time changes

You can manage availability exceptions with One-time changes, ideal for marking periods when a service area’s availability differs from its custom hours. This could include maintenance, special events, or additional availability.

  1. Select One-time changes.
  2. Click the + button.
    • A window will appear showing the service area’s future availability, based on its Custom hours.

  3. Use the calendar to navigate to the dates you want to adjust.

  4. Changes made that differ from the service area’s Custom hours will appear in the One-time changes list.
  5. Click Confirm.
  6. Click Save.

One-time changes will appear in the list once created and can be Removed if necessary.

Using the Calendar view

You can use the Calendar view as an easy way to review that a service area’s availability has been set up properly.

What's next?

Managing scheduling employees

Set employee schedules and assign services easily.

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Managing scheduling services

Set service details, assign staff, and manage pricing.

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