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Reviewing house account reports

Please review House Account Version 1 articles if you see Version 1 in Settings > House Accounts.

There are multiple reports between Lightspeed Golf and Lightspeed Retail that you can access to keep track of house account transactions. 

House account reportings in Lightspeed Golf

Helpful reports can be found in Lightspeed Golf, including the Statements, Aging, Balance, and Auto Billing reports.

House account reports in Lightspeed Retail (R-Series)

The Payments Received report in Lightspeed Retail keeps track of all house account transactions separately. Specific payment types are used to differentiate house account charges and house account payments. These are the payment types that should be mapped to your General Ledger.

  • Golf - House Account indicates a house account charge.
  • Golf - House Account Payment indicates a payment towards a house account balance.

These payment types may be archived in Lightspeed Retail but can be unarchived to use as filters in reports. However, they should be archived again once finished, to avoid confusion during the checkout process.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Payment Types.
  2. Enable Show Archived, and click Search.
  3. Locate the Golf - House Account and Golf - House Account Payment payment types, and click Restore next to their names.
  4. Filter reports by the now unarchived payment types. 
  5. Once you are finished reviewing reports, navigate to Settings > Payment Types.
  6. Locate the Golf - House Account and Golf - House Account Payment payment types, and click Archive next to its name.

What's next?

Processing charges and payments towards house accounts

Managing charges and payments through house accounts.

Learn more

Refunding house account transactions

Managing refunds for house account transactions.

Learn more

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