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Canceling and deleting reservations

At A Glance

  • Click on a reservation to see more info about it
  • All customers in the booking need to be marked as unpaid to delete the booking
  • Delete it with the trash can button at the bottom left of the reservation window
  • Owners & Managers can use the Mass Cancel button at the top right of the tee sheet to delete multiple bookings at a time


  • All employee roles are able to delete reservations, one at a time
  • Customer profile(s) attached to a deleted reservation will have the reservation appear in their Cancelled reservation history
  • Accidentally deleted reservations can not be recovered and should be recreated
  • Notifications from the tee sheet can be muted if you do not want a customer to receive a reservation cancellation email

Detailed Steps

How to delete one booking at a time

  1. Click on the reservation to open more information about it
    • This can be done from the tee sheet, from a customer profile, etc
  2. Ensure all customers are marked as unpaid, as an error may appear if they are not
  3. Click Delete Reservation at the bottom left of the window that appears
  4. The deleted reservation will appear in the attached customer profile's canceled reservation history

Mass Cancelling Reservations

  • Only Owners & Managers have access to Mass Cancel
  1. Ensure all customers are marked as unpaid, as an error may appear if they are not
  2. Click the Mass Cancel button at the top right of the tee sheet
  3. Select the specific customers or whole reservations that should be canceled
  4. Click Proceed at the bottom of the page

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