There are two ways that you can save a customer's credit card information. Doing this allows you to process charges to the card on file for reservation payments, house account payments as well as subscriptions, packages, and extras. Lightspeed payments CNP is required to process these transactions.
You can require credit cards to be mandatory when creating reservations.
Customer credit card information can be added from two places, the customer's profile directly, or a reservation that they are included in
- Open any customer profile.
- Click on Payment Methods.
- Click Add a Credit Card.
- Enter the customer's credit card information, including the card number, expiry date, and CVC.
- Click Add.
- When added successfully, it will appear in the list of payment methods attached to the customer's profile.
- Select a reservation to view its customer information window.
- Click on the credit card icon at the top right of a customer's information.
- Enter the customer's credit card information, including the card number, expiry date, and CVC.
- Click Add.
- When added successfully, the card provider will appear in place of the credit card icon.