Conversion tracking is a powerful tool that will allow you to gain insights into your user behavior throughout the booking process. There are three actions a user can take that trigger an "event" -- a record of that action that you can track. Think of these events as a funnel: as your customers go through the booking process, some of them will continue on to the confirmation page and book a tee time, whereas others will leave.
By comparing these ratios, as well as the other information provided via your conversion tracking software, you can get a better picture of how users behave while booking online at your club.
Page View
This is the top of your funnel: the widest part, where you will have the most users. This event is triggered under two circumstances: when a user opens up the booking widget on your website, or by visiting your club's profile on the Lightspeed website.
You will receive a separate event notification when the user creates a booking, and lands on the confirmation page. This is the middle of the funnel: it's slightly narrower, since not every user who opens the widget will confirm a reservation.
Booking Created
Once a user confirms their reservation, a separate event will be triggered. This will let you know that a booking has been confirmed. This is the bottom of the funnel, where a user is converted into a customer. Out of all the visitors to your website or your club's Chronogolf by Lightspeed marketplace, only a percentage will make it to this stage. Knowing that percentage will allow you to easily track whether marketing campaigns, discounts, etc. Are effective, by comparing your conversion before, and after.
Deal Purchased
If a user confirms a booking at your club as an online deal, this will trigger an additional event to the standard booking confirmation one. This will allow you to track whether deals prove to be more popular than regular reservations, and by how much.
Google Analytics
In order to use Google Analytics on your website, you will first need to set up a Google Analytics account, which can be done here. Next, login, in and click on the gear symbol in the sidebar marked "admin". Click on "create a property", then enter your course's info.

You will then be able to get an Analytics tracking ID, which can be pasted into the "Conversion Tracking" field, under settings on your Lightspeed Golf Admin page.
Google Analytics 4
We're excited to announce that Lightspeed Golf now includes support for Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This update is essential as Google is phasing out Universal Analytics in favor of GA4. However, we will continue to support Universal Analytics for clubs that are using 360 until July 2024. You can learn more about this transition here.
With our new update, you can now track specific events on your golf widget, providing a more comprehensive view of visitor behavior. This significant enhancement is designed to help you track your marketplace page and your own website's widget, providing detailed insights to inform your decisions and improve your club's online presence. You can see the performance of your marketplace profile and booking page, among other metrics.
New website widget events added for GA4 include:
- 'booking_widget_step_date' - Triggered when a user finishes the date step
- 'booking_widget_step_course' - Triggered when a user finishes the course step
- 'booking_widget_step_players' - Triggered when a user finishes the players step
- 'booking_widget_step_teetime' - Triggered when a user finishes the teetime step
- 'booking_widget_step_confirmation' - Triggered when a user clicks on the "Continue" step (the last continue in the widget)
Please note, if your club uses an iframe, the actions on the iframe will be tracked as a different user in a different session.
Facebook Pixel
In order to set up a Facebook Pixel with Lightspeed, go to the Facebook Pixel page here. Once you have set up a pixel, copy the Pixel ID. Navigate to your club's Lightspeed Golf admin site, then open up the settings page and click on "Conversion Tracking". You can then paste the Pixel ID in the field provided.