In this tutorial, you will learn how to add tour operators and use this feature to charge a round of golf to the Tour Operators' house account directly.
If you'd like to activate the add Tour Operators to your facility, please make sure you reach out to our support team.
Once the tour operators have been added to your facility, you can easily locate them under the "Tour Operators" tab on your navigation bar. A house account gets generated for them upon creation, there's no need to add them separately on Retail.
Please note, you can search for tour operators in the search bar, and if you are unable to locate them our support team can add these for you!
How to process charges to tour operator accounts
Click on the reservation in question.
Within the reservation window, you can click on the plane icon at the bottom of your submenu where a list of all your tour operators will appear.
Select the tour operator you intend to charge and click on Assign.
You will see a banner appear under the reservation with the name of the tour operator.
Click on Payment and you will see the house account automatically appear as a payment method.
Confirm the charge.
Additional Information: You can create a specific player type for your tour operators and associate that player type with the reservations prior to confirming the charge. This player type does not need to be bookable online and can be preserved for your tour operators exclusively.

All the charges will appear on the Tour Operator's house account, similar to how your customer charges work. You have the option to download their house account statements and send them monthly invoices in order to pay off their owing balance.
There are reports available in the "Reports" tab on your navigation bar. You have the option to consult both the balance report as well as the aging report for tour operators

To take payment towards these charges, you would process these payments following the same steps as you would for a customer profile house account.