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Sending passwords with OneTimeSecret

OneTimeSecret is a simple tool that helps you share passwords, logins, etc securely by generating a link containing your sensitive information that is only accessible to the person you send it to. Once this link is opened and viewed, the information it contains is deleted forever. To send a password securely, get started at www.onetimesecret.com.

Create a secure link

From OneTimeSecret, enter the password with any other details in the main field. Specify the privacy options, and generate the secure link to share via email, chat, etc.

  1. Enter username, password, etc into the main field.

  2. Set a lifetime of 7 days.

  3. Click “Create secret link”.

Share the secure password link

Once you have created an OneTimeSecret link with your sensitive information, copy the link that’s highlighted in yellow and send it to your recipient via email, chat, etc.

  1. Copy the link that is highlighted in yellow.

  2. Paste it into an email or chat intended for the recipient.

  3. Let the recipient know that the password will be deleted after they view the link.

Delete the secure password before it’s viewed

You can also delete the contents of the link prior to its expiration, if necessary.

  • Open the password link, click “Burn this secret”

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