Paste the following code into the Footer before the </body> (body end) tag of every page where you’d like the widget to appear.
YOUR_CLUB_ID will need to be replaced by your Club ID (typically a 3-6 digit number such as 123456). Example: "clubId" : 123456,
To change the color of the widget, simply replace "#dd9933" with the color you desire in hex format while keeping the "" symbols. Example if you’d like your widget to be blue: "color" : "#0000ff"
For a French widget, simply change "en-US" to "fr-CA" once again keeping the "" symbols. Example: "locale" : "fr-CA"
<!-- Start / Chronogolf Widgets -->
<div class="chrono-bookingbutton"></div>
window.chronogolfSettings = {
"clubId" : YOUR_CLUB_ID,
"locale" : "en-US"
// Optional
window.chronogolfTheme = {
"color" : "#dd9933"
!function(d,i){if(!d.getElementById(i)){var s=d.createElement("script");,s.src="";
var r=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
<!-- End / Chronogolf Widgets -->
Below you will find instructions on how to add this code to GoDaddy, SquareSpace, and Wix.
Inserting Widget onto a GoDaddy Website
Step 1: Log in to your GoDaddy account
Step 2: Click on Dashboard and then click on Edit Website.
Note: If the Dashboard option is not visible, then click on My Products which should then display your website for you to click on.
Step 3: Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Add Section":
Step 4: The toolbar on the right-hand side will change to ask what kind of section you’d like added. Under the Files & Web option, you’ll need to click on HTML
Step 5: You’ll need to paste the Chronogolf Widget code found at the beginning of this article in the following area:
Note: Make sure to click on Done and Publish once the code has been added.
The final result will be:
Inserting Widget onto a Squarespace Website
Step 1: Log into your Squarespace Account
Step 2: Once logged in, click on Dashboard and then Website:
Step 3: Once on the back end of your website, you’ll need to first click on Settings
Then Advanced
Then Code Injection
Step 4: You’ll need to paste the Chronogolf Widget code in the area labeled Footer:
The final result should be:
Inserting the Widget onto a Wix website:
Step 1: Log into your Wix account
Step 2: Once logged in, you should see your Wix dashboard. From that dashboard you would click on Settings and then Custom Code:
Step 3: You would click on Add Custom Code (top right corner)
Step 4: You would paste the Chronogolf Widget code in the text box.
It’ll ask to give your code a name (you could use something like the Chronogolf widget), and then under the Add Code to Pages section, you would select All Pages.
The final question you’ll be asked is where to Place the Code In, and which you would select Body - End and click Apply.